Protective Coatings & Paints
Since painting enhances the look of buildings, it is a common element of renovation projects. However, paints have additional uses beyond improving appearance. Knowing the performance features of each type of paint is important to select the best product for each application.
Painting is normally carried out for the following reasons:
- Protecting surfaces from insects, rain, solar radiation & other external factors
- Well painted surfaces are easier to keep clean and safe
- Increasing the visual appeal of a surface
- Waterproofing
- Increasing surface durability
- Ease of application
- Reasonable drying period
- Forming a thin film without cracking
- Forming a hard and durable coating
- Its performance should not be affected by the weather
- Not harmful for users

Skora Coatings
With Skora, we bring to the forefront a revolutionary offering — our state-of-the-art Smart Quartz Paint. This Smart Quartz Paint technology has been developed by us through rigorous research and development that finally resulted in a coating system that possesses a unique set of attributes like no other in the industry.
Our Smart Quartz Paint technology allows our coating to penetrate deep into the surface of the substrate which further renders the penetrated region extremely hydrophobic in nature. This is attributed to the Quartz-like structure of our Smart Quartz Paint formed by the fibreglass technology that acts like a crystalline shield against moisture. This ultimately creates a dry zone beneath the coating which prevents harmful algae and mould from forming. The Smart Quartz Paint technology, while rendering the surface of the substrate hydrophobic, does not block the pores of the substrate like film coatings would. This unique property of the Smart Quartz. Paint therefore, allows any existing moisture beneath the surface to easily escape the substrate rather than being locked within which would cause problems related to dampness over time. This smart attribute of our Smart Quartz Paint allows cement based substrates to cure fully and build strength over time.

SunBless, the innovative All-Weather Protection and Functional Coating An ideal solution for today’s Global Warming and Environmental Protection SunBless is specially developed as a universal all-pervading solution, to address multitude of issues and problems being faced today, by the industrial and corporate world, as well as the society at large.
Sun Bless which can be applied on ANY Surface.
Sun Bless gives unique advantages like:
- Thermo Insulation Effect - Cool in Summers & Warm in Winters
- Protection from Water Leakage & Seepage
- Protection from Salt - Water Corrosion
- Relief from Wall & Ceiling Mold
- Promotes Energy Savings
- Helps in Reduction of Global Warming
- Provides Dampening Effect - Helps reduces Roof- top noise during Heavy downpour
- Protects Building from Heating Effect
- Protection for Acidic Corrosion.
And all this in One Paint Solution!
Other Precedented USPs of SunBless:
- Sunbless has clocked Solar Reflective Index - SRI of 112. Global Products have SRI in the range of 92 - 102
- The Working Temp Range of Sun Bless is - 40 Degree C to + 140 Degree C (for Present Product introduced, upto 1000+ Degree C is being developed) Most of the other products work in the range of -15 Deg C to +95 Deg C.
- Salts Test - Certificate is for 1000 Hrs as Labs in India have limitations to test beyond 1000 Hrs. In Japanese Private Labs - Sun Bless is tested for 3000 Hrs. Competitors do Salts Test between 300 - 500 Hrs.
- Once applied Sun Bless can withstand 150 Bars of Water Pressure - much Exceeding Pressures generated by Category 5 Hurricanes & Clyones.

MC Bauchemie
Carbonation in reinforced concrete is one of the most common forms of deterioration of structures. It
is the reaction of carbon dioxide in the environment with the calcium hydroxide in the cement paste.
Due to carbonation, the protective oxide layer surrounding the structure's reinforcing steel breaks
down and corrosion or rusting starts. Deterioration is much faster in structures such as bridges which
are associated with the ingress of water and freeze/thaw cycling. Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
reacts with the concrete in these structures, leading to a loss of alkalinity and subsequent corrosion of
the reinforcing steel. Once the concrete is rusting, concrete starts to stall and falls off leaving an open
passage for contaminants to easily penetrate the concrete. The structural integrity of bridges can be
compromised until it is protected with an anti-carbonation protective coating.
Anti-carbonation protective coatings protect bridges against the ingress of carbon dioxide and water, whilst allowing damp substrates to breathe without blistering. They protect concrete from carbonation by acting as a carbon dioxide barrier.
MC-Bauchemie is one of the specialist manufacturers and suppliers of anti-carbonation coating products in India. In this article we have focused on a project wherein their anti-carbonation protective products were used to meet the subsequent carbonation challenges in a bridge. Atal Setu Project [which was earlier known as Mandovi Bridge], in Goa, India is the project in focus. The surface protection work of the bridge was executed by using a range of MC-Bauchemie anti-carbonation protective coating products.
Application of MC-Bauchemie Anti- Carbonation Protective Coatings used Atal Setu
Structure Requirement:
The first Cable-Stayed Bridge by L&T in India situated in Goa over Mandovi river later named Atal
Setu had a requirement of 1.5 lac m2 of surface area to be protected from environmental
Anti-carbonation coating products used in the project:
Anti-carbonation coatings were used for surface treatments that have a high resistance to carbon
dioxide. The products safeguarded the bridge structure from carbonation by acting as a carbon
dioxide barrier. The range of products used was Emcecolorflex, MC- Nafuquick and MC- Primex 250.

Mc Bauchemie anti-carbonation products
The right selection of anti-carbonation products is pivotal for bridge structures. The anti-carbonation product lines of Mc Bauchemie offer ultra-modern surface coating solutions relating to the protection and colouring of concrete surfaces. The pure, pro and vision variants are available within each product line. The construction chemical applicators are sure to find a tailored solution to their specific requirements. All the products are water-repellent, open to vapour diffusion, carbonation-retarding and resistant to UV, soiling and weathering.
Your home, your style
At Interior Paints, we know that your home is more than just an investment. It's a reflection of who you are and what you stand for.
A better tomorrow starts with a fresh coat of paint
Paint is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to improve the look and feel of your home. And with our wide range of paints, we have something for every taste and budget.
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